Burlesque 101: Audience Etiquette

Welcome back to Burlesque 101, where we talk about Burlesque Basics. Today we are discussing a very important part of any burlesque show: the audience. The audience plays a bigger role in a burlesque show than many people realize so let’s talk about the Do’s and Don’ts of being in a burlesque audience.

Make Some Noise

Unlike other shows, burlesque shows actually WANT audience members to be loud during the performance itself. During other stage performances the audience usually claps the the end of an act or solo, while silently watching the performance. This should not be the case for burlesque. During a burlesque show MAKE SOME NOISE. I’m going to keep saying this phrase because we really mean it. The performer is there to dazzle and awe you, and the best way to show you’re enjoying it is to hoot and holler. So bring all your “wooo”, “ahhh”, “YES”, and whistles to the show with you. I promise it’s appreciated.

Respect Performers

Since I am drilling this idea that performers want to hear you, let's also talk about drawing the line. Burlesque is sexy and therefore the shouts are appreciated, but you should never take it so far that you’re making a performer or fellow audience members uncomfortable. You can be excited to see a performer’s body without shouting anything extremely vulgar and demeaning. Again, this line is different from other contexts, but be mindful. Also, burlesque is a very vulnerable thing for performers to participate in, getting naked for a crowd can be a little nerve wracking, so remember that everyone is human. And I’m hoping this goes without saying but in the spirit of education: don’t be a heckling asshole.


Usually tips are accepted from performers. Tips may be accepted in different ways depending on the venue or performance. Some burlesque dancers go through the crowd and accept tips by hand, or even by audience members sticking money in their costume, some venues will provide a collection bin where you can drop tips, and some performances accept tips by simply throwing cash onto the stage to be collected after the act. Either way, please understand that this is the primary way most performers get paid for their gigs, and paying for art and artistic performances is important.

Since having cash, especially smaller bills, is pretty rare for most these days, you may find yourself with no cash to tip performers. If you still want to leave tips, see if there is any digital way to send the performers money as different troupes, dancers, and venues may have Venmo, PayPal, CashApp, etc options as well.

Have Fun

Burlesque is not a formal affair. Performers want to entertain and give you a good time, and that means HAVE FUN! Enjoy the talent of the performers on stage, it’s the whole point!

With these tips in mind I hope you better understand what you might find and expect at a burlesque performance. You can check out upcoming Providence and Boston Burlesque performances on our events page and keep up to date on what is going on in the upcoming weeks. We hope to see you out at some of the burlesque events throughout Massachusetts and Rhode Island soon and often!


Burlesque 101: Classic Burlesque Songs


Burlesque 101: What is Burlesque?