Reclaiming Our Burlesque History: Burlesque In RI & MA


“Reclaiming Our Burlesque History: Burlesque in RI & MA”, was a temporary installment with a mission that matches its title. The gallery opened with showcasing a brief history of RI & MA burlesque, starting in the early 20th century. The bulk of the exhibit highlights “Where We Are Now”; recent and current performers’ stories and experiences told through memorabilia from 1980’s to today. 

The goal of this exhibition was to tell the story of burlesque through the eyes of performers - from their inspiration to their stage experiences.

Each piece displayed was donated by the burlesque, variety show, and drag community with the objective to keep exhibits authentic and connected to those who used them.  

  • Like all sex work history, burlesque isn't well documented. When it was documented, it was often through the eyes of men in charge. We're here to continue the work to end that cycle & reclaim our narrative.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to present the history of Rhode Island and Massachusetts’ burlesque community. The exhibit aims to use the lived experiences of performers to demonstrate creativity that goes into burlesque performance as well as the multiplicity of talent and performers in our community.

We believe each performer has a story and deserves to own and tell it in their own terms.

Thank you to our friends for making this possibe

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